Home/Remote Learning


Langley Park

Welcome to our Home/Remote Learning pages. We hope this gives you all the necessary information to support your child with any home or remote learning whilst at Langley Park Primary Academy.

Our Remote Learning Offer

What you can expect from Langley Park Primary Academy

What if we need to move to remote learning?

If we need to move to remote learning this will be communicated to you quickly via email or text message.

Learning will be available on Google Classroom by 8am on the first day of learning and will then be uploaded by 6pm each evening for the following day.

What will remote learning look like for my child?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in Art we will be flexible enough to allow children to access materials they have at home, rather than specify a particular resource.

We will set the following amounts of content each day:

EYFS: Up to 3 hours of content

Key Stage 1: A minimum of 3 hours content

Key Stage 2: At least 3 hours content, with additional expectations in Year 5 and Year 6

There will also be additional challenges set for those families that wish to engage with more.

What platform will you use to deliver remote learning?

We will use Google Classroom for all remote learning and home learning. All links to external sites will be posted on the Classroom. We will use Google Meet for any live lesson/contact sessions and these links will be posted in the Classroom as well.

What if I am struggling to work online with my child?

If you do not have online access we will support in the following ways:

1/ Provide remote support to help you access Google Classroom on alternative devices such as gaming consoles.

2/ We will apply for additional data for mobiles for families of children in Y3 - Y6

3/ We will provided loan devices where possible. Priority will be given to those families with more than one child and those children in Year 5 and Year 6.

4/ We will provide weekly work-packs for those children with no remote access and will ask for work to be returned on the weekly collection, so that this can be marked.

What will remote learning look like?

At Langley Park Primary Academy remote learning will include:

  • Live Lessons Daily - via Google Meet (at least once per day, per class)

  • Pre-recorded content - teachers talking over the slides presentation, explaining the content, modelling learning and posing questions

  • Links to other recorded explanations such as: Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize

  • Access to online libraries such as myON or Epic Reading

  • Login information for Numbots (EYFS/KS1), Times Table Rockstars (KS2)

  • Independent inquiries


Expectations and Feedback

We expect all children working online to register each morning. We then expect learning to be shared via Google Classroom either through Google Doc (usually an assigned piece of work) or photos of work at home.

Feedback is a fundamental element of remote learning and this will be given in a variety of ways:

  • Google Quizzes

  • Comments on individual work with improvements or next steps.

  • General comments in regards to a piece of learning

  • Verbal feedback during live lessons

  • Uploaded answers, for children to self-mark their learning

All learning should have some element of feedback - providing work is uploaded within the same week it is set, unless by previous arrangement.


At Langley Park Primary Academy we track engagement carefully. We will consider the work uploaded or returned to school, live lessons and evidence of learning. We will then give your child an engagement score for the week which is then monitored by SLT. If we see engagement reduce the Class Teacher may contact you, to offer support or to give further help. If we don't see any engagement, a call will be made home by our FLO (Mrs Carter). We understand that remote learning can be stressful - so if you have concerns or need support, please contact us.

Support for children with SEND

Our intention is that the online learning is scaffolded to support the wide ability range in each class. For children requiring additional support our Inclusion Leader will be in contact to support you with either alternative materials or supplementary resources for accessibility. For those children with an EHCP, outside agencies will be contacted and every effort will be made to ensure this support is on-going albeit virtually.

What if my child is the only one at home self-isolating?

Daily slides and learning will be shared on Google Classroom for any individual children having to self-isolate. The class teacher will remain in contact and will continue to mark and feedback the learning providing work is uploaded.