Google Classroom

Google Classroom

As a school we are utilising Google Classroom for our Home Learning. Work will be set the night before (6pm) ready for the next day, giving parents a chance to look through the learning. You will need to log on using your child’s to access the classroom. Please try to check the classroom daily and contact your class teacher if necessary for further help and support. A helpful guide can be found here: Google Classroom Guide

Google Classroom allows us to assign learning, share videos, upload pre-recorded content and engage with both pupils and parents/carers. We can share links to Google Meets and give our pupils feedback and support quickly and consistently.

Our pupils are introduced to Google Classroom at school and will be using this platform regularly to engage with learning in school, so should be confident when using this at home. If you need further guidance and helpful hints and tips please follow the link .


Home Learning will be set once a week via Google Classroom. This may include spellings, reading, reading comprehension, maths, inquiry learning or a challenge.

Remote Learning will be put in place for all children if they are working remotely because of Covid-19. This will be a mixture of learning with a minimum of 3 hours of content each day and at least one live lesson via Google Meet. We will also upload assemblies, stories and arrange pastoral meets with each class.