Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple


For being a super 'communicator' this week. 

As part of our inquiry into the local weather, Reuben enjoyed exploring with the paints and creating his own masterpiece! 

Well done Reuben, we are all very proud of you! 

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 


For working hard in every single area of learning this week. She has been very knowledgeable in her maths learning and created a brilliant poster on how to look after our teeth. 

Well done Thea!

Discovery Class ~ Year R 

Golden Apple 

Isla R

For being a risk-taker with her writing this week, and showing independence in VIP time to show her skills! We are proud of you!

Well done, Isla.

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


For being a fantastic Inquirer this week! David made a rain collector ready for our Science investigation. He even linked his learning and applied his maths skills of counting in 10’s! WOW!

Well done, David!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 


For being a thinker this week by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Well done, Ella!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


Luna has been an effective communicator this week during her secret agent reading training.  She was super resilient.

Well done, Luna!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For working hard to ensure all of his letters are formed correctly and facing the right way!

Good job, Milo!

Pip & Bramley Class 



In Pip, we have started learning to sew. Sewing is an independent life skill. If you can sew, you can make and mend your clothes and other things. 

Victor has worked on his sewing very carefully, and has shown great focus. 

Well done, Victor! We are really proud of you!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


For being knowledgeable and sharing new learning and information with the rest of the class. He has been amazing in helping other adults and peers in the class with ICT challenges. 

Well done, Kiki!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


For being a great communicator this week when learning about elements that make a civilization and working as a historian using sources to identify roles within ancient Egyptian society. 

Great work, Aubrey!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple   


For being a fantastic thinker and risk-taker and sharing your ideas in class discussions! 

You have been working so hard Jake, well done! 

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple  


A marked improvement in the presentation of her work.  Our class target has been to work on this and in just a few days, she is now demonstrating beautiful work, particularly in her skills book. 

Well done, Bella!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For being balanced when creating a news report based on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand during WW1. He used his knowledge of the event to inform his writing and correctly punctuated his speech sentences. 

Well done, Safwan!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For being focused and working extremely hard this week.  She listened to instructions and worked independently, producing an amazing double page spread on ‘the trenches’ for our inquiry on WW1.

Well done, Ellie!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


For working brilliantly when thinking about our no hands up questioning. Rossi took part in whole class discussions, whilst building on others opinions. 

Great work, Rossi! 

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


For showing real determination in all subjects, especially with his handwriting. 

Well done, Kai!