Golden Apple Winners

Seedlings Nursery 

Golden Apple


For being a great thinker this week. Zohair has been concentrating hard on his play. He used his fingers to help him pick up pom poms to add into the jars for the colour monsters, matching the colours well. 

We are all very proud of you Zohair, well done!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple 


For being a great thinker this week during her VIP Time. Rosie has been applying her maths skills to her play and finding different ways to represent numbers up to 4!  

Well done, Rosie!

Discovery Class ~ Year R 

Golden Apple 


For being such a caring and thoughtful member of Discovery Class.

Well done, Freya!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


For working with Willow to identify 'more than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. He demonstrated his mathematical knowledge when working with different manipulatives to identify the amounts. 

Well done, Otto!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple 


For being knowledgeable this week in maths when he was learning about greater than, less than and equal to for numbers up to 10. He was able to communicate and show his understanding to the rest of the class using different objects. 

Well done, Finley!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


Milo has been knowledgeable this week as he has demonstrated an excellent understanding of the basic needs of animals including humans.

Well done, Milo!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple  


For working hard to continue settling into our classroom and consistently being a hard-working individual! Peyton has consistently come in with a bright smile on her face after a tricky start to her week and we are so proud of her progress!

Well done, Peyton!

Pip & Bramley Class 



For being open minded, trying new things and really engaging with your work. 

Well done, Luke!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   


For being a risk taker and trying lots of different new foods in our Inquiry through our Geography lesson to learn about where in the world different foods come from.

Well done, Victor!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple   

Tommy HB

For being a risk taker  when trying a range of different foods from around the world as part of our Inquiry. Even though he did not like all of them he gave each one a try! 

Well done, Tommy!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple   


For being resilient, a risk taker and being a great role model to his peers. You have worked super hard in your maths! 

Well done, Jake!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple  


For being a thinker and writing an amazing pizza recipe including all of the writing skills we have been learning. 

Well done!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


Eva has been very principled throughout her entire time in Year 5 thus far. She is always ready to listen and learn and this has been reflected in her great thinking and knowledge skills. Keep up the good work!

Well done, Eva!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple 


For settling into Zari class so well.  After only a week, she is engaged in all her lessons and has made lots of friends.

Welcome, Sienna!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Kanzi Class

For being amazing during assessment week. They have all worked so hard and showed what well rounded PYP learners they are. 

Well done to you all! 

Braeburn Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple

Braeburn Class

For being amazing during assessment week. They have all worked so hard and showed what well rounded PYP learners they are. 

Well done to you all!