Theme of the Fortnight

Our Theme of the Fortnight is 'Wonderful Women', with a particular focus on National Careers Week. 

We started the week with Mrs Dunn leading our National Careers Week Assembly. We reflected specifically on how the role of women in careers has developed over time, which in turn reflects in our culture today. As well as recognising this important week, our Careers Education in school is imbedded through every learning opportunity we provide for the children. 

If you would like to support us with our Careers Education, for example visiting a class or year group to provide information about a career then please get in touch with Mrs Dunn via the school Office. 

Please do take a look at our National Careers Week work, where each year group has chosen a selection of work linked to our careers learning this week. 

National Careers Week 2023 Assembly
National Careers Week 06/03/23