Welcome to the overview of Term 6's PYP curriculum. There will be no mini exhibitions or parent workshops this term for EYFS to Year 5 due to other school events taking place.  Year 6 will be holding their end of primary school exhibition which will be showcased to their parents and within the Maidstone trust cluster. 

We hope that you have found these sessions useful and enjoyable!


Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place And Time

Central idea: Our World Is Special And Is Connected In Many Ways. 

Lines of inquiry:

1. Multistructural - An inquiry into transport. 

2. Relational - An exploration of different transport in our world. 

3. Extended Abstract - An inquiry into how journeys connect us with others. 


Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are In Place And Time

Central idea: Sports help us be successful in life. 

Lines of inquiry:

1. Multistructural - An inquiry into keeping our bodies healthy. 

2. Relational - An inquiry into the European football tournament. 

3. Extended Abstract - An inquiry into the Olympic games. 

4. Multistructural - An inquiry into seasonal changes. 

Year 1

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Discoveries help us understand the past.

Lines of inquiry:

1. An inquiry into materials and their uses.

2. An inquiry into how toys have evolved over time.

3. An inquiry into how toys may evolve into the future.

Year 2

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We are in Place and Time

Central Idea: Events of the past have influenced our emergency services today.

Lines of Inquiry:

1. An inquiry into the different emergency services and their functions.

2. An inquiry into the events of the Great Fire of London.

3. An inquiry into how the Great Fire of London shaped our emergency services.

Year 3

Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet

Central Idea: People make choices on how they use Earth's resources.

Lines of Inquiry:

1. An inquiry into the Earth's finite and infinite resources.

2. An inquiry into the impact of people's choices on the environment. 

3. An inquiry into the balance between meeting human needs and limited resources.  

Year 4

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We are in Place and Time

Central Idea: British settlements develop through time

Lines of Inquiry:

1. An inquiry into Anglo-Saxon settlements.

2. An inquiry into changes of British settlements over time.

3. An inquiry into the connections between local and wider settlements.

Year 5

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organise Ourselves

Central Idea: Many different factors influence the way decisions are made.

Lines of Inquiry: 

1. An inquiry into how laws are made.

2. An exploration of choices and consequences informing decision-making.

3. An exploration and evaluation of monarchy.

Year 6

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea: Popular culture impacts expression

Lines of Inquiry:

1. An inquiry into popular literature through time.

2. An inquiry into popular media through time.

3. An inquiry into the impact of current movements on the wider world.