
7th June 2024

Principal's Message:

Our final term of the year is off to a great start already! We said "Bon Voyage" to Year 6 as they embarked on the annual PGL trip. I'm sure that if you follow us on Facebook you will have seen all of the exciting things that they have been up to. The residential trip is a right of passage for our children when they reach Year 6 so we are so pleased that we are able to provide this opportunity to the children; they gain so much from it.

Mr Smith is retiring!

Mr Smith, arguably the best caretaker there is, is retiring on Friday 28th June. He has been an instrumental part of LPPA so we want to show him how special he is to us. As his last day coincides with our KS1 and KS2 Sports Day and the whole school Family Picnic, we are going to be doing lots of things in his honour which we are pleased to be able to involve our whole community in!

The LPPA family is growing!

While the journey of one member of our community is ending, another is beginning. Miss J Gibbs, Empire Teacher (Year 2), is expecting her first child. She isn't due until November time but we are so excited for her. I am sure you will join me in congratulating her on her happy news.

Mr Monaco, Braeburn Teacher (Year 6), is also expecting his second child any day soon! We are all waiting with baited breath. He will be taking paternity leave and we have made necessary arrangements to cover this.

Parking in local area

Thank you to you all for your cooperation in the car park. It is becoming a much more pleasant place in the mornings with safer routes for pedestrians. We are still seeing parents parking on zebra crossings and designated walkways which is a really dangerous thing to do as it not only narrows the main thoroughfare for vehicles, but impedes the safe travel of our children and parents who have parked responsibly and walked through the car park. Luckily, this is only a minority of parents who I am sure will make every effort to address this. Further to this, we have had a local resident draw our attention to, again, a very small minority of parents parking in the allocated spaces for parents. They have shown us CCTV of this and while we do not monitor parking outside of school, I am duty bound to ask our community to respect the parking of the residents. They have also unfortunately shared that they have received abuse when asking parents to move from these spaces. This is really disappointing to hear when they are well within their rights to do this. We talk often to our children about how they are representing our school and its community when outside the school gates and expect them to behave in a way that does not reflect badly on their community. I now respectfully ask that parents do the same. We should be role models to our children and therefore should be mindful that they are observing and taking in every interaction we have in front of them, so let's ensure that they are always positive and respectful. Many thanks for your efforts with this.

Please take notes of the Key Date section within this newsletter so that you can keep up to date on all the upcoming exciting events this term and there is a lot!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss S Brading

Charity Tuesday

Madison, Year 6, has been busy in her spare time hand painting kindness rocks that she would like to sell as part of Charity Tuesday. She will be selling them at £2 for a painted rock or £1.50 for a pet rock on Tuesday 11th June before and after school. Here is a picture of her endeavours. I think you'll agree that they are going to be very popular among our children!

Office Announcements:

Recently, Bellway Homes kindly donated a large number of high visibility pupil jackets in support of our proposed 'Walking Bus' initiative. We are pleased to share the below press release with you.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:

Jazzy Class


Key Dates:

Thursday 13th June Reception Trip to Build-A-Bear and Gravity

Friday 14th June Reception Father's Day Tea, 14:30-15:00

Thursday 20th June Class photographs, all year groups

Friday 21st June Whole Academy Sponsored Walk/Run for Heart of Kent Hospice

Wednesday 26th June Nursery Sports Day, 09:00-10:30

Thursday 27th June Nursery Trip to Little Street and Mote Park

Friday 28th June KS1/KS2 Sports Day, refer to letter for timings

Monday 1st July Year 1 Trip to Bedgebury National Pinetum

Tuesday 2nd July Trip to Howletts Wild Animal Park - Fortune Class

Wednesday 3rd July Whole School Song Workshop

Thursday 4th July Whole School Transition Day

Friday 5th July Trip to Howletts Wild Animal Park - Pazazz Class

Friday 5th July Music Festival, 16:00-19:00 (ticketed entrance only)

Friday 12th July Year 6 Leavers' Party, 15:30-18:00

Tuesday 16th July Year 1 Trip to Build-A-Bear

Wednesday 17th July Year 6 Leavers' Performances, 14:00 and 17:30

Friday 19th July Last day of Term 6

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

We can all now access new music and movies in a matter of seconds; we can get products delivered to our door the very next day; we can chat or play games with people on the other side of the world. For all of the remarkable benefits the digital age has brought us, it has also presented us with a whole new raft of pressures and anxieties that, in truth, we are all still learning to cope with.

From continuous notifications inflaming a fear of missing out to the risk of public embarrassment or slanging matches on social media, today's children and young people have stresses to manage that previous generations simply never encountered. 

The below guide examines these uniquely modern worries, highlighting ways to reduce the anxiety that digital devices can bring. You will also find tips on reducing push notifications from apps, avoiding social media arguments and spotting when a child has been upset by something online.

A reminder that all of our parent/carer community are invited to create an account with National Online Safety, which provides a wide range of resources such as the guides we include in our newsletters, courses and video resources. If you have not already done so, please create your account by visiting the link below. 

You can also download the National Online Safety app on any device or smartphone by searching for it in the App Store/Google Play Store.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the office email address which is Upon receipt, your email will be directed to the relevant member(s) of staff.

We respectfully ask that you address any concerns or issues with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If it remains unresolved then your concern will then be escalated to Mrs Neame, Vice Principal. In the unlikely event that it continues to remain unresolved, it will be escalated to Miss Brading at that point.

We are also aware that some parents continue to email staff directly. In the event that this happens, staff have been asked to forward your email to the aforementioned email address to resume communication via the correct channels.