Willow's Corner

Another wonderful week has passed us by. 

Last Friday, my half-sister Mabel came to visit us here at LPPA.  She is a Dog Mentor at Greenvale Infant School and I was very excited to show her around our academy. I had to teach her all about what I do to support the emotional intelligence of our pupils and staff. Mabel was very excited to see what I do and she even visited classes, I let her lead the way and it was almost as if she knew exactly where she was going.  She even met some of our Dog Mentor Monitors, I think she wanted to stay!

Today I am visiting her at Greenvale Infant School so I will update you of my adventures next week.

My Class of the Week Award has been presented to Apollo Class. I couldn't believe my luck when I became Queen Willow for the session. The children have been learning about leaders in London and so of course I had to become Queen! 

I have included some photos of Mabel and I this week, can you tell us apart?

Working with Willow Module 5 Week 3