
3rd May 2024

Principal's Message:

It is unbelievable that we are now almost half way through this term!

Thank you for your collective effort for the new parking system within the car park. We have had a huge amount of positive feedback from it with the main comment being around how much more calmer and safer it feels. There are still a few members of our community who are parking inconsiderately on the school site, sometimes blocking the main routes or parking across zebra crossing. Ultimately, it is the children that you are putting at risk by doing this so please think of putting the safety of our young people before the minor inconvenience of having to a find a more appropriate place to stop.

It is wonderful that we are experiencing warmer weather more in keeping with the time of year. Quite rightly, children are bringing their coats to school while the mornings are still chilly. We are finding, however, that they are taking them off during breaktimes and due to a number being unnamed, our lost property pile is growing. Please do take the time to label every item of your child's belongings, including coats, and we would really appreciate a little discussion at home to reinforce the value of children being responsible for looking after their things.

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 7th May.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

The academy office is always happy to answer and address any of your concerns and queries. 

The end of the day is always a busy time for the office and it is where any children who are collected late are dismissed from. To this end, should you need to come to the academy office at pick up time, please do be patient and wait for children to be dismissed by staff as a priority before approaching the office with your inquiry.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:

Zari Class


Key Dates:

Monday 6th May Bank holiday, academy closed to all pupils

Thursday 9th May Year 3 Trip to Maidstone Museum

Monday 13th May Local Area Walk for Nursery pupils, all week

Monday 13th May Year 6 SATs, all week

Tuesday 14th May Reception Hearing Retests

Thursday 16th May Year 5 Trip to Imperial War Museum

Thursday 16th May National Census Day

Monday 20th May Year 2 PYP Exhibition 14:30-15:00

Tuesday 21st May Year 3 PYP Exhibition 14:30-15:00

Tuesday 21st May Nursery Stay and Play/PYP Exhibition 14:30-15:00

Wednesday 22nd May Year 2 Trip to RAF Museum

Wednesday 22nd May Coffee and Conversation: Uniform, 09:00-10:00

Wednesday 22nd May` Year 5 PYP Exhibition 14:30-15:00

Thursday 23rd May OPAL Programme Play Sessions with parents/carers

Thursday 23rd May Year 1 and Year 4 PYP Exhibitions 14:30-15:00

Friday 24th May Reception V.E. Day Celebrations 14:30-15:00

Friday 24th May Last Day of Term 5

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

Available through messaging apps, social media and online games, group chats are now among the most popular ways that young people engage with their peers online. Involving, by definition, three or more individuals, these groups allow users to send messages, images and videos to everyone in one place and at the same time. Whilst they are useful for helping friends, people with shared interests or members of a club to communicate and coordinate activities, they can also leave young people feeling excluded and bullied, as well as providing opportunities for inappropriate content to be shared and viewed.

In the below guide, you will find a number of tips on a range of potential risks such as bullying, inappropriate content and unknown members.

A reminder that all of our parent/carer community are invited to create an account with National Online Safety, which provides a wide range of resources such as the guides we include in our newsletters, courses and video resources. If you have not already done so, please create your account by visiting the link below. 

You can also download the National Online Safety app on any device or smartphone by searching for it in the App Store/Google Play Store.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the office email address which is Upon receipt, your email will be directed to the relevant member(s) of staff.

We respectfully ask that you address any concerns or issues with your child's class teacher in the first instance. If it remains unresolved then your concern will then be escalated to Mrs Neame, Vice Principal. In the unlikely event that it continues to remain unresolved, it will be escalated to Miss Brading at that point.

We are also aware that some parents continue to email staff directly. In the event that this happens, staff have been asked to forward your email to the aforementioned email address to resume communication via the correct channels.