Mental Health

Mental Health

What do we mean by 'Mental Health'?
Mental health means the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that work together to form our beliefs about ourselves and others. Below you'll find a variety of resources.

DMH Educational Resources Table.pdf

Mental Health Stories

Managing Worry

Videos to watch

Mamba Mentality

Failure as an Opprotunity

Growth Mindset

Believe in Yourself

A Happy Life

Who Defines You?

Never Give Up

Claim Your Story

what if i'm...

If you are endangering yourself by:

Anorexia | Bulimia

Drug | Alochol Use

Cutting | Burning

Suicidal thoughts | attempts

Please let a trusted adult know immediately if you or a friend are experiencing any of these things. We encourage you to reach out to your parent or guardian. Please call the numbers on the back of your ID card if Endeavour's Counseling hours are over. If you or a friend is in immediate danger, please call 911.

Polite | Responsible | Integrity | Disciplined | Encourage