Weekly Lessons

week 1: COVID-19 Safety

week 2: SElf-Care

week 3: Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship: Rewarding Relationships
Digital Media and Your Brain - Lesson Slides.pptx
Taking Action Against Cyberbullying - Lesson Slides
Copy of Social Media and Digital Footprints_ Our Responsibilities - Lesson Slides

week 4: Mindfulness

Mindful Breathing.mp4
Mindfulness 101: Guided Imagery

week 5: study habits

Study Habits Lesson 1 (2).pdf
Study Skills: Study Environment
Study Skills: Goal Setting
Time Management .pptx


Study Habits Lesson 5: Motivation 101

week 6: coping skills

My Feelings lesson 5_18_20 .pdf
Managing My Feelings.pdf
Conflict Resolution.pdf
Empathy Lesson- Copy.pdf



Gratitude PDF.pdf

week 7: College & career

week 8: jumpstart into next school year
