6 Steps to prevent COVID-19

1. Wash your hands often2. Social Distancing (stay 6ft from other people)3. Stay home if you are sick (except to get medical care)4. Cover coughs and sneezes with tissue or inside of elbow5. Wear a face mask- due to the large number of people that have COVID-19 without symptoms the direction from the CDC has changed since this video6. Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces


1. Stay home2. Monitor symptoms carefully (call your health care provider if symptoms worsen)3. Rest and stay hydrated4. Call ahead if you have a medical appointment (let health care providers know you may have COVID- 19) – Call 911 for severe symptoms5. Cover your coughs and sneezes6. Wash your hands often7. Use a separate restroom8. Stay away from others in your home9. Avoid sharing personal items10. Clean all surfaces touched
Social Distance and Wear a Mask

How to Social distance and why to wear a mask: slide show

How washing hands prevents the spread of COVID

How to Apply/Remove a Face Mask

How germs Spread

How to wash hands

Hand Washing -Avoid Getting Sick

Hand Washing Powerpoint

Corona Virus Explained to Kids

Symptoms of coronavirus

Stay home, be a hero

Mental Health Tips

Cleaning Tips


Grades 3 and up

COVID19 Social Story English .pdf

Grades TK-3

COVID Test Story.pdf

All grades

Distance Learning Social Story editable.pdf

Distance Learning

Tips for Distance Learning.pdf

Tips for Success!

