State and Federal Programs

About State and Federal Programs

The role of the State & Federal Programs office is to ensure ongoing compliance with State, Federal, and Local laws and regulations by providing the necessary resources and support. District personnel is also available to provide technical assistance and support as it relates to matters pertaining to School Site Council.

Additional specific information and individualized assistance is available.

Lancaster School District participates in the following reoccuring State and Federal Programs:

  • Title I

  • Title II

  • Title III

  • Title IV

  • LCFF Base

  • LCFF Concentration and Supplemental

COVID - 19 Relief

As a result of the COVID - 19 pandemic, Lancaster School District has had the opportunity to receive funding from the Federal government for COVID relief, and to maintain open schools. The following programs are available for the state and federal government to address the needs of Lancaster School District:




Early Literacy Student Block Grant

Lancaster School District has partnered with both the State and the County of Los Angeles to increase elementary literacy within our schools. Specifically, we have received a grant for Joshua Elementary School that provides Lancaster with the opportunity to address early literacy. See the link below to our ELSB page for more information.