Upcoming Events

Scan or click above to register!

Escanea el código qr o haz clic en la foto de arriba

 Winners will be celebrated at our awards assemblies. Parents, please come and applaud their efforts! Your teachers will communicate the dates and times with you!

We know that our parents are reading to their children more every day! Please submit a photo of you reading out loud to your child. Click the photo above for permissions and where you want to have the photo displayed. 

Our Mariposa parents are the best. They were there to meet you at the Back-to-School night to help our new parents.  They also told you about Parenting Partners workshops because they are a great way to invest in yourself as a parent!

Important: Are you enrolled in Medi-Cal? Has your contact information changed in the past two years? Give your county office your updated contact information so you can stay enrolled. Find your local county office. 

Importante: ¿Está inscrito en Medi-Cal? ¿Ha cambiado su información de contacto en los últimos dos años? Proporcione a la oficina de su condado su información de contacto actualizada para que pueda permanecer inscrito. Encuentre la oficina local de su condado.

This has been an on-going event since November. You can still register!

Anyone who wants to play can play!