
Pizzazz is an award-winning varsity level show choir and is the top-performing choir. Membership is by audition only. Pizzaz Show Choir members are exposed to all facets of vocal training and performance. Members participate in Mississippi Show Choir Circuit and ACDA activities as well as performing several concerts each year. The Show Choir also takes spring tours to competitive music festivals both in and out of state.

Pizzazz Show Choir Information 2022-2023

I enjoy show choir because I think it brings out the best in myself and others. The way we have to connect in order to make any performance we do our best makes me feel great. I love how in any song we do I can almost connect to it which makes my performance better. Show choir is almost like an escape from the real world because sometimes when you walk into the show choir room it feels like you are walking right into your home with your family surrounding you, where you can vent anytime.

-Miah Davis

I enjoy the community and the friendships.

-Tatum Gipson

I enjoy the dancing and the singing and everybody being able to talk and laugh with each other while also growing in areas that we might not be good at. And helping other people with singing parts or dances. It brings me joy when something goes right the first time. -Daniel Moreno

I enjoy show choir because of many things. I love it because of the people, the dancing, the singing, the excitement to learn more, the willingness to do better, the pushing to be our best selves. Show choir has taught me that practice makes perfect. Without practicing we wouldn’t be as great as we are. We push ourselves to be better and we all try our hardest. Show choir has taught me to not give up because I wanted to give up when I thought I couldn’t do it, but I had the motivation and the encouragement to keep going. I love show choir because it taught me to keep pushing myself to be better, not only for myself but for our show choir family. -Anna Moore