Counseling Directory


This is a list of counseling support services found near Lake Placid. It is not an all inclusive list - But it is a good place to start.

Lake Placid School Staff: 523-2474

Sarah Allen -- CSE Chair x 4013

David Miller -- School Psychologist x 4010

Constance Hammaker -- High School Counselor x 4018

Lynn Gosling -- Middle School Counselor x 4020

Tina Clark -- Student Support Prevention Counselor x 4008

Cora Clark -- School Nurse x 4007

DeAnna Brown -- Elementary School Counselor 523-3640 x 4533


Dr. Harry Mahood, Center for Families & Children, Glens Falls: 926-7220

Dr. Jane Maxwell: 891-5535 (North Star Behavioral Health)

Dr. Lorna Clark-Rubin, Dr. Hal Rubin: 561-0063

Dr. Ruth Cassin: 891-5927

Otter Creek Associates, Burlington, VT: 802-865-3450 ext. 418

Dr. Susan McPhillips, Glens Falls, NY: 926-7100

CVPH Child and Adolescent MH Services: 562-7458


Dr. Barbara Stowe: 523-3311

Dr. Karen White: 523-9353

Dr. David Meeker: 523-8959

Dr. Richard Liotta: 891-0924

Dr. Nadine Case: 891-3053

Dr. Rosamond Lincoln-Day: 946-2126

Dr. Thomas Osika: 745-0079 (Glens Falls)


Patricia Randolph-Clark, RN: 891-5484

Betsy Thomas-Train: 576-9219

Marci Wenn: 523-7840

Dani Carr: 788-9488

Counseling Centers:

Lake Placid Health Center: Adirondack Health, 897-2750

Peter Brengel, Psychiatric/Mental Health Physician Assistant

Diane Cuff-Carney, a Board Certified Adult Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

The Healing Woods Counseling Center: 359-2623

Lisa and Klaus Meissner

Essex County Mental Health: 873-3670

Family Counseling Service: 562-1417

Dr. Satish Kumar Saroj

North Country Community College Counseling Service: 891-2915

Paul Smith's College Counseling: 327-6340

North Star Mental Health: 891-5535

Catholic Charities: 561-0470

Behavioral Health Services North, Inc. 563-8206

Mental Health Association in Essex County 962-2077

Other Services:-

Citizen Advocates Crisis and Recovery Center, Malone, 518-481-8160

Families First: 873-9544

Child Protective Services: 873-3421, Mandated Reporter 800-342-3720

Essex County Probation: 873-3650

North Country Legal Services: 800-722-7380

Northern NY Center for Conflict Resolution: 523-0107 North Elba Town Hall

Stern Center for Language and Learning, Williston VT: 802-878-0230

Four Winds, Saratoga Psychiatric Hospital: 584-3600

St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center, Ogdensburg: 315-541-2001

St. Lawrence Addiction Center: 315-393-1180

St. Joseph's Rehabilitation Center: 891-4135 Outpatient 891-5353

Conifer Park: Chemical Dependent, 561-1447/Outpatient Services: 561-0130

Rose Hill, Massena, Youth Chemical Dependent Inpatient: 315-764 -9700

Champlain Valley Family Center: 561-8480

Canton-Potsdam Alcohol Detox Unit: 315-261-5969

Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood: 891-0046

Sexual Assault Services of Essex County: 984-0094