3rd Grade


We have been working on the seasons, weather and sports French vocabulary.

here are 2 Quizlet vocabulary sets to study:

Weather/La météo:




Leisure activities:


Here are some books about France for you to read on the EPIC platform!


Write down the title and take notes on the book (S) you read!


Ms. Hambley

Hola Students!

We are working on a food unit and focusing on Mexican food (because they are our neighbors ) and what we like to eat! Here you will find a Quizlet vocabulary study aid and some books about corn and Mexican food! In the next week please draw, color and label (in Spanish) what you like to eat!

Quizlet Food Vocabulary:


Here are some books for you to read on Mexican foods, corn, popcorn and chocolate:


Looking forward to seeing you !

Stay well, be kind and enjoy the sun!

Ms. Hambley


Hola Students!

Hope you are all well and reading a lot! I would like you to send me some pictures of your Mexico desert animal booklets so Mrs. Franklin can post them. I want you to continue to learn about the active volcanos in Mexico and the mountains where the Monarchs over winter.

Website Activities


Hola! I'd like you to watch this video about the Sonoran Desert , saguaro cacti and the animals, while you do the animals of Mexico activity packet.

Click the link below , follow along and try to learn the words to the weather song!

Here is a link to Quizlet with all the weather terms in the song. Feel free to do any or all the activities!


Dear Students ,

I've chosen a group of books for you to read to learn more about the animals that live in the desert. You will find these books from epic on the link below!


Here is a link to a study set I made on Quizlet, study and do all the activities!
