Annual Library Report

2021 / 2022 Library Report

End of the Year Report and


Annual Library Goals are incorporated into the overall Future Reading Library Plan

LUHS Library End of Year Report 2021/2022


Upon reviewing the data for the past school year and creating the slideshow recapping the year, here are the areas that will need work in the coming school year. The areas identified in the reflection below are also identified as goals of the LUHS Library Future Ready Plan.

  1. Evaluated library collection by diversity to identify areas of diversification needs: A diversity analysis was set up and run. The analysis will now be a continual part of the Collection Analysis and utilized for informed purchasing decisions to meet the needs of all learners.

I wonder...If a full redirect and evaluation of the library reading selections will impact personal reading by students. Can a Diversity Analysis provide direction on selection of materials that more diversely represent our student population. Then, taking it a step further, what is the best way to promote this diverse selection to students and encourage them to self select and read?

  1. Map digital resources and tools to district curriculum: this was started in a very preliminary sense through the PDT (Professional Development Thursday) work.

I wonder...If a intergrated curriclum map between library and core subject areas will result in more collaboration and less duplication. Additionally, will this allow for more support for students and consistent messages related to information evaluation and accredation for school research?

  1. We have used Noodletools at LUHS for a number of years. I am finding that the usage is predominantly by the English Department. Noodletools provides direction for proper citation and paraphrasing of information cited for research and to support one's ideas in writing of all kinds. Our databases are increasing their collaboration and integration with tools such as Noodletools and Google to save the citation in the correct format and a copy of the work cited in an accessible format (Google Drive) that our students and teachers use. This goal is a continuation from the previous year.

I wonder...If I provided more instruction on how Noodletools can be utilized across the curriculum to improve the honesty of student writing by providing a standardized accepted, and approved tool already provided by LUHS for all students and staff. I wonder if this could be accepted across the curriculum to improve paraphrasing, citations, and bibliography formatted without taking away from the curricular focus of the assignment. Supporting writing across the curriculum.