Annual Library Report

2019 / 2020 Library Report

librarian image with check

Library Statistics

student holding books

Student check outs:

5.4 books

old book clip art

Average age of collection:


e-Book usage:

647 books

(599.31 hours of reading)

MakerSpace / STEAM Lab 124 student visits:

321 students choose to participate

Collection Development through selective weeding and analysis base purchases = Collection Management

collection analysis

August 2019

collection analysis

June 2020

Instructional Impact

The LUHS Library Media Center supports student achievement and literacy through direct instruction and collaboration. The LMC also supports the LUHS school wide goal to explore learning strategies and instructional best practices that engage the student learner at LUHS for the purpose of increased learning and closing of the achievement gap.

school library impact poster

Goal Outcomes...

Librarian image

Learning and Teaching

  • Collaborations with teachers in English, Science, Social Studies, and Math centering on utilizing the library resources and STEAM based activities to engage student learning; activities taking place in the library, classroom, and Lab 124.

  • Google Expeditions collaborative activities with Social Studies and Science.

  • Weekly "How To" videos for students and staff on library resources and STEAM activities during COVID closure.

  • Co-Teach weekly with Math class focusing on hands on learning application of math concepts in the MakerSpace STEAM Lab 124.

  • MakerSpace STEAM Lab open lab hours working one-on-one with students encouraging self directed inquiry, creation, and experimentation.

  • Monthly MakerSpace STEAM Lab 124 events in cafeteria during both lunches and sign up special events, such as Soap Making and Relaxation Lab (Basketing Making event cancelled due to COVID closure.)

person sitting at computer

Information and Technology Literacy

  • Virtual Librarian established providing over 325 Virtual Google Meet sessions with teachers and students during COVID home instruction.

  • Introduced Fact Cite, a new database, to several classes to use during research after learning of instructional need that meets students reading and learning levels.

  • Introduced SWANK K-12 Motion Pictures digital streaming service.

  • Set up Google Single Sign-on login for all digital resources; aligning to the school email account login.

  • Collaborated with teachers on research projects to facilitate lessons on databases navigation, use, and application to best meet information need.

  • Supported teachers and helped meet curriculum standards.

  • Aided teachers with Google Classroom set up and navigation.

Literacy through the Library

Supporting Literacy by...

  • Generified fiction collection to enhance browsing experience and support building interest in literacy.

  • Subscripted to Junior Library Guild: a service focusing on award winning and high interest book selections.

  • Joined WSDLC e-Books and digital audio books that support all types of learners reading and listening interests. (Materials available 24/7 on all types of devices AND offline.)

  • Held first ever school wide book discussion and read on the book “I’m Not Dying with You Tonight” – over 75 students and staff participated.

pile of books
makerspace word art

MakerSpace / STEAM Lab 124

  • Created open lab for all students during select hours

  • Implemented Monthly theme of suggested activities

  • Monthly Activities in Cafeteria: Lunch MakerSpace / STEAM Lab in Cafeteria

  • Guest Creator with Soap Making Activity

  • Basket Maker Guest Setup and postponed to fall due to COVID

  • Online #LUHS_STEAM_Challenge

Professional Librarian

  • WEMTA (Wisconsin Educational Media Technology Association) member; past Secretary

  • WSDLC (Wisconsin Schools Digital Library Consortium) founding member; currently serving on WSDLC board

  • WiLS (Wisconsin Library Services) member; currently serving on WiLS Board, past chair of WiLS Board

  • ISTE Member and Future Ready certified

  • Google Level 1 certified

  • CESA 9 Library Group

  • Library webinars on Library software and pedagogy

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