Learning Tools Needed!

Each Child Should Have the Following:

  • Two packs of glue sticks

  • Two packs of pencils

  • One rectangular pencil box

  • One package of 24 crayons

  • One green plastic folder

  • One 1" binder

  • One pair of student scissors

  • One package of dry erase markers

  • One container of Lysol wipes

  • A smock for art

  • Headphones for technology

  • A spare set of clothes in case of an emergency

If your child is in need of more supplies throughout the year, I will send a reminder slip home with them!

In addition to the learning tools listed above, we are always in need of and appreciate the following items for our classroom:

  • Lysol Wipes

  • Tissues

  • Paper Towels

  • Small Water Bottles

  • Snacks (Pretzels/Goldfish)