Behavior Plan

In order to guarantee your child and all children in my classroom the productive learning environment they deserve, we will be utilizing the following discipline plan.

5 Rules from Whole Brain Teaching

Rule #1 Follow directions quickly.

Rule #2 Be kind.

Rule #3 Be safe.

Rule #4 Make smart choices.

Rule #5 Make your dear teacher happy.

The premise behind Whole Brain Teaching:

I believe that all of my students can behave appropriately when at school.  We will treat our classroom as our home away from home and the people in our classroom as our “school family”. We will support and encourage each other in all that we do, and we will expect the best from one another. All students will begin school with a "Beginner Bat" hole punch card. When they participate, show kindness to a friend  or another positive behavior, they will earn a hole punch. When the punch card is filled,they receive a special prize and rank up to another level. 

Positive Whole Class and Individual Incentives:

Students who show outstanding behavior will receive a ticket to be entered into our daily drawing to choose a prize from our prize box.

Incentive Charts - Each time our class receives a compliment from another teacher whether it's walking in the hallway or a great "special" class, we automatically earn a "number " towards a class party. When we earn the numbers 1-10, we have a class party.