La Junta Jr./Sr. High School Library

Reading is for "Every Student, Every Day"!

"Books are a uniquely portable magic."  -Stephen King

Hi!  This is Mrs. Ritter, the Librarian here at LJHS Library.  Tell me your library story!  Spread your library J*O*Y!

Why come up to the library, check out a book and actually read?   Watch my video and find out why you should

Why Read.mp4

Come up and check out what we have to offer you.  Plus, you can just say 'Hi, how are ya?" and visit with me.  This is a space for YOU - for reading, sitting with friends, doing school work, and just being.  After school, I am here until 4:30 pm and will be happy to help you find a book or work on homework.

You are always welcome here!

Library Mission

The mission of the school library program at La Junta Jr./Sr. High School is to provide an inviting, dynamic learning environment and services that support and enhance teaching, learning, and literacy.

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