Daily Class Schedule

Please be aware our schedule often fluctuates to accommodate activities such as library, art, music etc.

Physical Education

We will have P.E. class every Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and brings a water bottle to school. 

Estoy emocionado de decir que tendremos P.E. todos los lunes y jueves. Por favor asegúrese de que su hijo está vestido apropiadamente y traiga una botella de agua a la escuela.

Code to the Future

As a Code to the Future magnet school we will have direct instruction from our Code to the Future instructor on designated Fridays throughout the year. Students will be working on coding skills throughout the week as well.

Como escuela magnet de Code to the Future, tendremos instrucción directa de nuestro instructor de Code to the Future los viernes designados durante todo el año. Los estudiantes también trabajarán en habilidades de codificación durante la semana.