Academic Planning

Welcome! We will begin meeting with students individually on February 1st to review academic progress and to plan for the 2024-2025 school year. If you would like to be present when your child plans for next year's schedule, please give us a call and we'll arrange a meeting either in-person or virtual. Later in the year, we will also send home a list of courses your child has enrolled in. 

Please feel free contact the Counseling Office to set up a time or if you have any questions about your son/daughter's progress or academic planning. 

2023-2024 Course Selection 

This year we will be using a Google Form in place of our hard copy Course Selection form. You can access the form below, or view the hard copy form (which is the same) to view the courses your student has to choose from. 

8th Grade Academic Planning

The slideshow below is presented to 8th grade students each year at the beginning of the spring semester. While it is a basic overview, the hope is that they have a slightly better idea of what will be asked of them over the next four years, and understand some basics about things like NYS graduation requirements, credits, transcripts and resumes. Please reach out to the Counseling Office if you have any questions!

8th Grade Academic Planning