Social Media Accessibility

Best Practices, Tips, and Resources to Help Ensure Your Social Media Content is Accessible

Various social media platforms.

It is the policy of the City of Los Angeles that all Elected Officials and City Departments that use social media will make it accessible for persons with disabilities by following the national guidelines for improving the accessibility of Social Media. 

Social media is transforming how the city government engages with constituents, allowing city departments and elected officials to share information and deliver services more quickly and effectively than ever before. This is especially true during emergency and disaster situations. Departments using social media in times of disaster or for preparedness information shall ensure that their messaging integrates the needs for persons with disabilities.

Below are some useful internal and external Social Media Accessibility resources.

Best Practices for Accessible Social Media Guide 

General Checklist

(Reference guide for platform specific instructions.) 

Facebook Accessibility Best Practices

X (Twitter) Accessibility Best Practices

Instagram Accessibility Best Practices

YouTube Accessibility Best Practices

LinkedIn Accessibility Best Practices

TikTok Accessibility Best Practices

Threads Accessibility Best Practices

Social Media Accessibility Video Tutorials

Video Credit: National Center on Accessible Educational Materials - Best Practices for Accessible Social Media (total length 1:02:02 mins)

Best Practices for Accessible Social Media Segmented Videos