Preschool Screenings
The goal of screening is to identify and serve Illinois’ neediest children. Child Find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that requires states to have a comprehensive system to locate, identify, and refer as early as possible all children with disabilities for early intervention or special education services. Preschool screenings are conducted throughout the year by trained district staff. The Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning- 4th edition (DIAL-4) is used to assess the child's motor, language, and conceptual skills. Behavior, vision and hearing, self-help, and social skills are also noted during the screening. The DIAL-4 provides scores that indicate how the child's developmental skills compare with those of the national norm-group of typical children the same age from across the United States.
The PFA/PFAE program is for children ages 3 through 5 who are not age eligible for kindergarten (i.e., age 5 on or before September 1 of the school year in which the early childhood program is to be implemented) and who are determined to be eligible by multiple weighted at-risk factors. Eligibility requirements are based on local need to identify children at risk of academic failure
The screening process includes a quickly administered research-based screening tool that identifies children needing further assessment/evaluation or identifies participants for a given program. Screening results are used to determine eligibility for the District's Preschool Program as well as being an important element of our District's Child Find responsibilities. Each parent participates in an exit interview following the completion of their child's screening. The exit interview provides the parent not only preliminary results but an opportunity to have questions answered regarding available resources and supports. Parents will be notified of the screening stating the screening team's recommendations. Please note that screening does not guarantee placement into Lincoln's Early Childhood Program.
Screenings are available for any preschool aged child who resides within Lincoln School District 156 and its surrounding boundaries. The PFA/PFAE program does not require district residency. A district may collaborate with neighboring districts to fill its PFA/PFAE slots with PFA/PFAE-eligible children. All children who attend a state-funded Illinois PFA/PFAE program must live in Illinois and be eligible to attend Illinois public schools. A child who lives in a bordering state is not eligible to attend an Illinois PFA program even if their parent travels into the state daily for work.
The screenings are free as the cost is covered by the Illinois Preschool for All Grant. If you would like to have your child screened at our next screening date, please fill out the questionnaire below. We will need your name, phone number, your child’s name and date of birth. After that, before our next screening date, we will contact you to set up an appointment.