Local information


Asamushi onsen is a small, natural hot springs town (onsen). The natural setting is very beautiful but there are very few shops and restaurants beside those in the local ryokan inns. 

You can download below two local maps and information (in Japanese only). They come from this site.


Most meals except breakfast will be served on site during the course but on arrival and return day you can try to have lunch at some local eatery.

There are a few restaurants (shokudo 食堂) near the train station. See the Google map for some possibilities.

There are also a couple of casual eateries that serve fresh sea urchins, salmon roe, scallops etc. just outside the entrance gate of the research center (they are seasonal businesses and may not always be open).


There is a souvenir shop and public bath near the station (Yu-sa, ゆ〜さ)