Accommodation and meals


You will stay in the dormitory adjacent to the research center laboratories.

Rooms feature multiple bunk beds. Toilets and showers are in shared facilities. Shower booths are available with shampoo and soap, but no towels. Make sure to bring your own towels. Laundry is available but no laundry detergent. Bring your own detergent.

Basic information about the facilities and a user guide are available here.

There is a single (¥600) cleaning fee per stay per bed.

While the dormitory is only a 5-minute walk away from the laboratories, access is via a steep uphill forest path and a set of stairs. Any participant with a disability or limited mobility should make sure to let the staff know about special needs in advance so that support can be arranged accordingly.


Lunch (September 16-19) and dinner (September 15-18) will be served at the Asamushi Research Center dormitory cafeteria. Dinner on September 19 will be a BBQ outside (subject to change depending on the weather).

Lunch on September 20 is meant to be enjoyed on your own at some local eatery.

For daily breakfasts you will have to arrange it on your own, either bringing what is needed for the stay or buying basics at the local convenience store. A small refrigerator, microwave oven, toaster, and other basic appliances are available in the facilities adjacent to the dining room.

We expect all participants to eat on site with the group and staff. If you have any food allergies or specific dietary requirements (vegetarian, Halal, etc.), please let us know as soon as possible.

Breakdown of costs:

Lunch:  (¥700 yen × 4 = ¥2, 800)

Dinner: (¥700 × 5 = ¥3, 500)

Total (meals): ¥6,300 

Bed cleaning fee: ¥600

Grand total : ¥6,900 (Please prepare to pay in cash the exact amount.) 

There is no tuition fee.