Dana Gray Elementary

Program Overview

Kudos for Kids Expanded Day Learning Program offers a safe, healthy, positive and inclusive learning environment to all Dana Gray Elementary Students.   

The program focuses on the development of literacy skills, youth voice, and social, emotional, and physical needs, through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. Our staff is committed to building positive relationships with students and their families.


Dana Gray Kudos for Kids

After School Program Daily Schedule


3:15  Kudos begins in the cafeteria right after regular day ends with a snack (1:15 on early release days).  

3:30 to 3:45   RECESS, then line up with aides to go to class.          

3:45 to 4:35  Literacy and Academic Support

Schedule:   1)  S.E.L. Activities and Journaling 2) Literacy/Silent Reading / Kidz Lit  3) Math Support   

4) Reading Log and Punch Homework Cards 

Small group and one-on-one literacy support:  There are currently two reading support staff during academic time that assist students that are below grade level in reading. .

4:35 to 4:45  Second RECESS

4:45 to 5:45 ENRICHMENT 

Mon - Thur: Rotating classes: Sports, S.T.E.M., Music, and Arts & Crafts.  

Friday: Students’ choice “club classes” from 3:30-5:45.


All Students must be accounted for on sign-in/out sheet.

Kudos for Kids Staff at Dana Gray

Literacy Support


Additional enrichment classes are provided from 1:30-3:00 on early release days: Swimming at the CV Starr Center on designated Wednesdays or Enrichment Activity Clubs at Dana Gray.

Reading with Relevance Group:  The “Reading with Relevance” curriculum is currently delivered by a certificated teacher once per week, for one hour at two reading levels, with a small group of about 10 chosen students.  It is intended to promote a love of reading and small group discussions around topics chosen to be relevant and age-appropriate.  Student workbooks are part of this curriculum.

 Friday Clubs:  Art, Board Games or Builders, S.T.E.M., Sports, Chess Club, Q.U.E.S.T.

Music Appreciation

Computer Lab

Arts & Crafts

Partnership Programs

Flockworks:  Kudos for Kids is now powered by Flockworks through an agreement with FBUSD!  Flockworks will provide staff and further expand the development of all art forms in our Fort Bragg schools and community.

Explore the Coast Together:  Exploring the Coast Together is a program hosted by the Noyo Center for Marine Science that will work towards an environmentally sustainable future and the well-being of our young children. The Noyo Center education team will be integrating the best strategies of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and outdoor education to get kids to connect to our coast, have fun, and help process the complex feelings from the last two years. Using the Noyo Center's recently acquired Slack Tide Cafe at the mouth of the Noyo River, this after-school program will show kids how nature can boost their emotional state. Kids will be taught robust and practical tools to handle their psychological and social challenges as they grow 

QUEST:  in Partnership with Mendocino County Department of Education, QUEST is an interactive learning game that separates students into different “tribes”. Students form a government and must work together to rebuild society and survive the myriad of challenges (hands-on) that lie ahead in their new world. They must figure out what happened to all the adults after they wake up and find out they are all alone with only a robot S.A.M.(played by the instructor). They learn to work together in not just their tribes, but also learn to trade with other tribes. They learn about how the choices you make at one point in the game can affect the outcome later on in the story. QUEST also supports different ways of critical thinking and allows everyone to have their opinion. This is a curriculum that is hands-on, virtual and teacher led exploration that incorporates critical thinking, problem solving and team-building skills. 

          Explore the Coast Program

Explore the Coast Program

             Trash Clean Up Day at E.T.C.

Contact Us

Alison Feliciano, Site Coordinator


(707) 813-4401

Dana Gray Elementary: (707) 961-2865