Business, Marketing & COmputers

Mrs. Dorigo *** Kenmore East *** Ken-Ton Schools

General Course Overviews:

My goal as a teacher is to support my students while they explore the foundations of finance and business. Together we will build upon their experiences and investigate the tools used to enhance their knowledge as they begin to plan for their own financial futures!!

It is my hope that they will utilize problem solving skills, apply financial analysis tools and identify opportunities to employ new techniques to their decision making process in our variety of financial and computer skill courses. New ideas/processes and a fresh outlook on their everyday life may have them re-evaluating the effect social influences have on their own financial decisions. They should be able to present, discuss, and defend financial decisions by using appropriate terminology - in what should be - their lifelong learning endeavor of their own personal finance.

Connecting $tudent$ to their future$ $$$$$$$$$




“If you don't have emotion and you don't have passion, then you shouldn't be in business, because money is a byproduct, not the purpose.”

Marcus Lemonis CEO, Camping World & Star of The Profit

Be the superhero in your future!

All of our Courses make a great addition to our Career Academies. For more information visit our District Website: Click link below. INFO for the Virtual Enterprise & Finance Academy - visit the link !!

Ken-Ton Career Academy Info


This is my 21st year at KE. Wow! 21 years - I truly NEVER thought I would be seeing your kids over a screen like the Jetson's!! I would be fibbing a bit if I said I was completely comfortable with the challenge ahead of us this year - but we are in it together. I am hoping I can still convey my regular love of finance and business through this new environment to your $tudents!! It is a lifelong $kill and my hope is that they learn to love and embrace this challenge and $tart learning as much as they can now :)) So, ready or not, Here we GO!!!!

OPEN HOUSE 2020 - Welcome :)) Additional INFO

For Course Syllabus, Schedule & Calendars - see Schedule/Classes Tab

For Course Welcome Videos & other Contact Info - see Contact Tab


Many classes articulated for College Credit with SUNY ERIE or BUFF State

Talk to your Business Teachers for Details!!

More Info MID YEAR in our courses!!