Mrs. Borgisi

About Me: 

Here are my Hexagon Activity Answers!

What am I listening to? 

I listen to EVERYTHING! Seriously, here's just a sampling of my crazy playlists: Old School Rap, Harry Connick, Jr., Aerosmith, Jimmy Buffett (so sad he passed away this week), Billy Joel, Genesis, Dave Matthews Band, 80s divas (Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, etc.), Eminem, Stevie Wonder, P!nk, Taylor Swift, Frank Sinatra... I could seriously go on forever. My absolute favorite artist right now is Joshua Radin- give him a listen!  

Podcasts: I enjoy Mitch Albom's podcast "Tuesday People" (Juniors, we'll be listening to it when we read Tuesdays with Morrie this year). I am also a huge fan of the TV show Scrubs, so the "Fake Doctors, Real Friends" podcast is a lot of fun to listen to!

What am I watching/playing? 

My daughter with special needs is obsessed with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory-- I have watched it thousands of times. I wish I were exaggerating! My younger daughter is obsessed with Hamilton, so we've been watching that on Disney+ a lot. I also watch reruns of comedies because I love to laugh (Everybody Loves Raymond, Scrubs), and I also love cop shows. I'm a huge fan of John Candy movies. When the holidays roll around I quote Christmas Vacation pretty much every day- the National Lampoon movies with Chevy Chase are favorites in my household. I'm not a gamer, but my husband is- he loves all the sports games and GTA5.

What am I reading/writing? 

I actually devoted an entire tab to what I'm reading- head over there to check it out. I'm excited that I've been writing quite a bit lately- I've hit close to 250,000 words since the pandemic began. Mostly short stories and blog-type posts. None of it is published- it's more for me. I also run the Creative Writing Club, the Take a Look at Teaching Club, and now Drama Club. 

What are my hobbies? 

Obviously, reading, writing, and listening to music are hobbies of mine. I got a pool last summer, so that's been fun to enjoy with my family. I love going to Bisons games, and cheering on the Bills when football season starts. 

What is something I'm looking forward to this year

I'm going to the Stevie Nicks concert in October!

What is a goal I have for this year

My goal is to work on time management- I always have the best intentions, and then life happens! 

Random Fact: I taught my first college course this summer.