Upcoming Events


The KSD Chess Club members will compete in a Swiss-style tournament to determine their individual rankings within the club. 

This tournament will begin in October, 2025, and continue until all games have been completed.

Please see the "Chess Tournament Rankings" link above for the current standings.


In  August 2025, the KSD Chess Club members will hold elections to select representatives for Club President, Vice-President, Secretary, and two At-Large members in order to form the Club Leadership. 

Please see the Membership tab for the results!

The Club Leadership will be responsible for setting the weekly practice day (currently Wednesdays), design a chess club t-shirt, plan any special chess activities for the school year, and advise the Chess coaches on any proposed new rules.

2025 Deaf Chess Tournament!

In the Spring of 2025, KSD plans to send a team to participate in the 2025 Schools for the Deaf Chess Tournament!  

This event is limited to 5 student participants from each school, and will take place over a weekend.  The exact dates are not yet set, so watch this space for future updates!

KSD Chess Club T-Shirt DESIGN!

The KSD Chess Club members will design the 

2024-2025 T-shirt in the Spring of 2025!

We're all excited to show off our Chess pride!