
Connecting into your higher self in 2024 

February 19, 2024

It’s been a while since I have updated this blog.  The end of October 2023, I decided to bring practice to my home. I had many things through the months prior that pointed me in the direction of change, but not knowing it would bring me to work out of my home for the time being. It has then since helped rejuvenate the clientele that are attracted to my work as well as allowed for more flexibility in how I practice as well.

During this time, I have enrolled in a few courses to help me work with the spirit of my business along with dig deeper into mediumship. This is something that has always come through working with people especially when I work with people who are working through grief and loss but the course has helped me gained more confidence within my own abilities to share what messages that may pull through during a session. 

The other thing that I have noticed in 2024 is a need to make frequent connections with my higher self and  recentering myself into an abundance mindset. And when I say abundance, I mean both the material and the abundance of love within my life. I began reading Thanks and Get Rich by Pam Grout to help bring up more of that gratitude attitude into today and being thankful for the abundance already in my life. Having been through as many life changes in my life as I have, sometimes the worry of lack or not being enough has been through many trials and challenges reminding me just how much the universe really does support me in my journey even though those are lenses I have battled with throughout life. Reiki has been probably my easiest way I have learned to connect with the ease of the universe if I allow it. And frequently reminds me of the love that I am and the love in which we all are made of as well. 

In a year that on the outside looks full of turbulence, going inward this year and finding your tools that help you re-center to elevate your vibration past the energy of fear into the healing vibration of love seems to be my mantra and reframe anytime I find myself out of balance and in fear or worry or doubt. SoI am passing this along to you as I trust whom ever needs the reminder as they read this is given it and if you need help connecting yourself to some form of spiritual practice, I do love Reiki for this as it has been an amazing teacher throughout the years. But there are many forms it can take beyond this and encourage you to find your connection as well in 2024. Much love and light. Kristy                                                                                                                                                          

Usui/Holy Fire III® Karuna® Reiki Master and Teacher  and Goddess Awakening. 

August 15, 2022

Holy wowza! So, since my last post, I've been on my own healing journey this past summer. So, in May I conducted a Usui Reiki 1 and 2 class that was amazing and felt so in alignment with where I am being led on my journey. Beautiful reiki attunements outside. AMAZING. 

Then I went on a personal development retreat down in Arizona. This was something I had planned and committed and said YES to back in November 2021 as I knew my journey in 2021 had been one which needed some personal reflection time and healing as many parts of my life fell away to create such a beautiful and wonderful life (I cannot begin to tell you how much has developed that I never imagined I could do until I allowed myself to trust in the Universe more fully and trust that my new path I was on was serving for the greater good of others and myself.) So with that though comes the reality of human emotions of grief that as much as my higher self knew it is for the best for me, my human vessel still had loss and sadness that needed honoring. And I almost was not able to go as my friend had exposure to COVID and I had not had a backup plan for others to help me, so foolish or not foolish, I trusted that my children would be alright with my friend. I left for a trip for the first time all by myself. No traveling partners. Just me, myself, and I. And it was amazing. I saw things in Arizona on my own time schedule. I got to go on an amazing horseback ride at a ranch that reminded me to look farther ahead, and the horse would go faster. I got to the retreat and the leader had some amazing exercises and healings that allowed the inner goddess in me to emerge in a way she hadn't before and lead others within that circle of women to share knowledge I had to give too. It tested my belief that I am not supported as day 4 of the retreat my friend told me she tested positive for COVID and I was left trying to figure out my plane ride home, but it worked out and a wonderful person I met at the retreat helped me and I was able to get home to be with my children and also be home for a few days before having to return back to work. 

Then in June, my practice boomed, and time flew. I took a Recent Events and Group EMDR training that continued to enhance my skills and do more targeted EMDR work with individuals and added the ability to bring EMDR into my couples work to help couples move past the relationship trauma that brought them in to identifying where they truly want to proceed within their relationship without the re-traumatization of what was in the past over influence their current emotional state. 

And at the end of June, life really shifts energetically. I took Usui/Holy Fire III® Karuna® Reiki Master and Teacher class with Terry Dulin as my teacher and another woman along side of me. I experienced the Holy Fire® Reiki and Karuna® Reiki for the first time and both are healing to bring out more and more of my authentic self. This has been emotional at times because all my old core beliefs of not being good enough, not being supported, not being loved, and having to take the world all on my own came back up for a deeper healing that was intense in the moment but as I have gone through them it now feels so peaceful as I emerge to the other side. Past unhealed areas do continue to arise and I continue to bring more and more Holy Fire® III energy into my practice with myself in the day to day along with my clients who come to see me. I've been contacted to be a referral for a non-profit organization for people who have had experiences of being medically dead and coming back as well as other out of body experiences which I believe is part of a new shift in focus of my practice as well as bringing more and more Reiki classes and healings as part of my work. 

One other area of healing and growth for me this year is with my relationship with my mother who is dying from cancer. In the early part of this year, while I was first going into practice, my mother came to live with me and I was her caretaker. HUH... for anyone who has done this you know it is hard. It is hard to let go of what you hope for a person and allow for whatever that person wants. Especially when that is your parent who's been there through many life events and gave birth to you even if sometimes, due to her own limitations as a mother, left you angry with her for this or that, but she is still mom. So I did have to let go of control early spring to let her go back home to be cared for by my younger sister and hospice as that was her wish to be back on the farm that she has spent the last 50 years of her life and retains so many of her memories of her life (even if the people are not there or other things are not there). It's been healing for me as it allowed space for me to have this flourishing of my business as I now had time and energy to put into my practice. It also allowed me to continue my healing journey of letting go of old wounds that arose while caretaking with her but were mine to heal as I continue to evolve, make peace, and mother my own children. 

And today, at this point, sitting in the unknown with where she is truly at with her health, I feel in some way a limbo state emerging, where I know she will die in her time, but not knowing when. And with her so many ties to my past, my childhood and the people connected to it gone as many of those influences in my family of origin are now deceased as well. It feels as though an end of an era in my life and a new one beginning. So here I sit in the in-between knowing, I have scheduled more Reiki classes to teach, and I have scheduled myself to attend the Reiki Retreat and a Playful EMDR class but with trust that wherever life takes me I am serving the highest good and I am being of service. 




Reiki has been calling to me more and more as I get my practice up and running. I have been trained in since 2004. This was after a year of many heartaches in which one of my Reiki mentors led me through and I felt the healing and transformation on a deep soul level.  I had experienced reiki since my childhood, but that was the time when a veil that comes through personal experience gave me deeper understanding. I loved how it has taught me how to see things from a point of loving non-judgment and taking my ego out of the picture and allow the healing energy to flow to the highest good. 

I have seen it allow clients face some of their past issues by having an outlet for them to calm some of the reactivity to a situation before processing it during the psychotherapy session. It has freed some clients to let go of the need to know the details of situations that had been bogging them down in the therapy process prior. 

In my life, reiki has helped me let go of angst and worry. It has helped me heal situations that felt conflictual to me into a state of resolve so that I no longer felt stuck in a negative loop with someone. It has guided me to habits in my life that have been healthier for me. It has guided me to be more open minded, accepting and loving as a person. It has allowed me to shed light on the shadow parts of myself so that I get to show up more and more each day as my authentic self and connecting to others with such a genuine love for everyone's path no matter what it is. It has led me to explore more about spirituality and gain more insight into different healing modalities. I have learned over the years creativity and curiosity help to expand upon knowledge that is already given to us. I also see ways that reiki has been a teacher to me and given me connection back to my heart center when I had been become hardened from life and spreding that love and light to people I meet and be of service for the highest good. 

Reiki is an approach I love to share with people and encourage others to take the beginner classes to become attuned in and, if nothing else, use it to send energy to themselves. A self practice of reiki many times allows us access to a tools that gives us freedom to put intention to the highest good of ourselves to release what is no longer serving us and be guided to the highest good of yourself and others allowing our ego and fear to get out of the way. 


Reflections for the New Year


We said goodbye to 2021 and usher in this new year of 2022. Many blessings and resetting the course for me occurred in 2021. I began the year a waiting my baby girl, sold my house that was the house from my first marriage, bought new house in a crazy housing market, moved to the house I now live in, shortly after gave birth to my youngest daughter, found support all around me, and ended the year by opening my private practice office on a full-time basis. All these changes I could see happening easily. I trusted in the power of manifestation and changing my course from the course my life had been on previously. The thing that threw me last year was the rapid change in health of my mother.  

This was something that, at times felt like it was the straw that broke the camel’s back as they say they say when undergoing many life changes or stressors, but I can feel the blessings that this will bring to me to help healing my relationship with my mother.  As she reflects about on past and reflecting on her life and working at making meaning of both the good and the bad things that happened to her along the way, I find more understanding and grace. 

I foresee this year of 2022 being a year of many blessings, love, gratitude, and prosperity as I own who I am as a healer and enjoy the space I have found to share my gifts, raise my family and care for my mother.  I can also feel that there is going to be space for grief of the life that I abruptly shifted from as grief is a part of it all and as much as I try to keep busy rather than feel it, it deserves its space as it is also a learning and a clearing of space to allow in the new possibilities of life for that gratitude of what is. At times, I can see that former part of myself needing so much love and care and acceptance so I can bring her forward without shame for it was in those learnings and experiences I gained more tools to understand others as well. 

Pauline Boss is a Marriage and Family Therapist that I was attracted to read up and follow her work when I first started my journey as Marriage and Family Therapist as she acknowledged the ambiguous losses in life, those losses that society tends to brush over but still very much generate those feelings of loss in our hearts yearning to be honored and heard. 2021 had many of those losses not just for me, but many other people I know and as we go into 2022, I feel that learning to honor some more of those losses will aid in seeing those gifts of what is in the now and how far everyone has grown. We are ever changing and never the same person we were even a day ago for every experience we have makes us who we are now. And we could not be who we are now without some of those transformational times as life is full of cycles and ebbs and flows. It is in the be-ing this year that I have the feeling some of the greatest gifts will emerge for last year had many times of do-ing and balance between the two allows for the great mysteries of our Universe to show themselves.

In it however, I will continue to trust that the Universe really does have my back and that the power of manifesting is so very powerful and continue to re-adjust and re-create my vision of how I want to be and feel when I find myself allowing some of those old fears creeping back into my awareness. 


Exciting Beginnings 12/2/2021

Today marks the first day on my journey to get my practice going as my main focus. 

Recharging 9/27/21

I share with you this picture of my newest crystal grid. Since I was young, I have loved crystals. Reiki classes were my first structured instruction around how to use them, but I have found that utilizing crystal healing books to give me a guideline on how to use different kinds of crystals starts me in the right direction, then following my intuition gets me the rest of the way to knowing what crystals would be the most help to me in any particular moment. 

When I am looking to re-connect with the universe quickly, I have found holding my favorite crystals easily gets healing energy flowing through my hands and radiates up through the rest of my body. It helps me let go of doubt and fears of not being good enough or desired into a happy and peaceful place where I can radiate my own light. 

Recently, they have been calling my attention back to them as I work to re-enter the workforce after being out on maternity leave and finding I'm being called to follow my work's passion in service to others and healing. Ironically sometimes, those two start losing me as I start to think about it and get overwhelmed for I have learned so much over the years both formally and informally that I lose track of the passion and the call as I start questioning which parts of my knowledge do I share. Then doubt kicks in at times causing me to second guess myself, because who am I to share and guide others when there are so many others that are already doing it and what makes me so unique. I am hoping that as I put myself out there more and more, that becomes clearer and clearer as I attract more clients I love to work with and share with them my gifts of healing and encouragement. And as I circle back to the crystal grid, I beleive that they are excited to help me faciliate healing with me and share with you their wonderous healing abilities.  

Paradox of change~ 10/14/20

I love this quote because it is so often that we first want to change who we are before learning who/what we are changing. We forget to love and accept ourselves for all the exciting, happy, lovely bits along with the sad, worried, confused, angry bits. Too many times, we've forgotten that our whole self is here not just part of it. It's true that during different parts of our lives outside influences change and our surroundings change, but inside the essence of who our soul is remains. How in tune with it or acknowledging of it is another thing. I have learned along my own journey that many things distract me from my true essence. My family roles, my different social groups I'm a part of, my romantic relationships, and work, along with the many other places that try to dictate who or how "I should be" or act. All taking me away from my inner being. Somehow in this world, we've gotten so many messages of how not good enough we are or unlovable we are if we are down to our true selves, but it is in the times when we are most ourselves, that the ones that are supposed to be walking along our journey of life are there rather than those that are place holders and energetically can take away from the quality of our lives rather than help it to flourish.  And don't get me wrong those people likely were there for good reason teaching us more about ourselves and what we are here on earth to learn more about. 

Too often, I believe we start looking outward to show what is wrong with our lives, when they are just manifestations of where we are at that time. AND IT'S WHERE YOU ARE on your journey and that is okay. Life is a journey not a destination. I strongly believe that every moment we have is to create some sort of experience. If unaware of what we are co-creating, it is just a reflection of that inner germline within us that we learned early on that told us you're not good enough or no one loves you because up until that moment when you become aware that is what is known and comfortable or realistic for you rather than believing that you could have the experience of being loved or being perfect just the way you are aligned with your soul's essence.  And in those moments of getting to know your true essence of who you are do you then get to decide the changes that best aligns with your soul.