Our Silver Reflection

In 2019 our sustainability journey was moving forward...

By 2019 we had gained more confidence working with the Enviroschools programme . We understood the value of the 5 pillars . We were extending our reach, growing projects that help our community and care for our environment. We were developing more connections and our Enviroschools vision involved even more aspects of Kristin.

Our Enviroschool Silver Video - 15min!

Silver Reflection Video

Enviro Schools Silver Reflection planning.pdf

The 5 Pillars @ Kristin

1 min talk PPT for Enviro School reflection.pdf

Our student stories

Kristin School One Page Silver Summary Statement - Dec 2019.pdf

Our Silver Summary Statement

Our SILVER Reflection gave us some next steps....

  • Act on our waste audit - reducing the waste first and then more composting and recycling. - Yes

  • Sharing waste messages more with our peers - educating others about this issue to reduce waste by 10% each year. - Yes

  • Enable more action on climate change - more student engagement. Yes

  • Complete a Carbon Footprint audit. - Yes

  • Reach out to a local marae to learn more and engage with Māori tikanga and mātauranga Māori around sustainability. Yes

  • Encourage and develop more use of te reo at Kristin. Yes

  • Use more signage and symbols at school to promote the 5 pillars of sustainability. - Beginning to

  • Encourage more garden to table connections with our food growing at Kristin. - Yes, but slowly

  • Engage and connect more with other schools and the community to share the sustainability message - Yes

  • Reach out to providers and encourage more sustainable practice in our purchasing of goods and services. Yes

Connecting with the COMMUNITY is part of who we are at Kristin.. .