Our Bronze Reflection

In 2016 We began our Enviroschools Journey...

We were small passionate group of students and staff who wanted to use Enviroschools as a tool to help guide and direct us to becoming more sustainable...

Our reflection was a morning and Morag V

Our Enviroschools Reflection Video...

We made a 5min video that archived and shared the way we were embracing the 5 pillars of Enviroschools.

Our BRONZE Reflection gave us some next steps....

  • Strong recycling monitors - intermittent

  • Yr 13 Environmental Committee - not yet

  • DoE for all students - Yes - all Yr 10 start

  • More Maori signage around the school - yes

  • Enviroschool Council - Yes

  • Green Page for Publications Team - Yes

  • More posters in the toilets - Yes

  • E waste Collection - Yes

  • Better advertising for recycling - Yes

  • Solar Panels - Yes

  • Rain Harvesting - Yes

  • Better Funded Groups - Yes

  • Promote a sustainability award - not yet

  • Linking ideas of the environmental to all aspects of our school - Yes

Enviro Schools Bronze Reflection.pdf

The Five Pillars @ Kristin

Bronze Reflection - Review of our Next Steps.pdf

Our Bronze Journey

MD Bronze Enviroschool Accreditation FINAL.docx.pdf

Our Bronze Summary Statement

A message to our staff ...

Hi everyone,

We did it! Yesterday 10 students, a principal and 2 BoT members attended an amazing reflection of all the things we are currently doing that shows we are becoming a 'sustainable community' :) Enviroschools is much much more than just tree planting and recycling. We should be proud of the amazing positive things we do every day here at Kristin - what everyone commented on was how powerful it was to sit down and really think about all that we do 'together' and as a 'whole picture' rather than on an individual basis.... we can be proud of all we do :) The next step is to work towards a Silver reflection - it involves a little more, but not as much as you would think... The key change, is to have everyone in the school on the 'waka' together with everyone having some level of understanding of what it means to become a 'sustainable school' :) I hope you are keen to come with us on that journey :)

Attached is a link to all the brainstorming the students did around the 5 pillars: sustainable communities, empowered students, learning for sustainability , Maori perspectives and respecting diversity. It is an excellent collection of all the great things we do :)

Thanks to everyone who has supported this process and in particular the SLT and the Green Team