Year 5

Here is an overview of the topics covered throughout the year in French. 

Autumn 1

Les legumes:

Name, recognise and recall from memory up to 10 vegetables in French.  Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their plural article/determiner.  Learn and use the high frequency verb je voudrais from the verb vouloir, to want in French.

La phonetique 1:

Develop pronunciation, reading and phonetic skills- CH OU ON OI 

Autumn 2

Je me presente: Count to 20.  Ask somebody how they are feeling, their age, name and where they live.  Say how we are feeling, how old we are, what our name is and where we live.  Apply rules of adjectival agreement when saying our nationality. 

Spring 1

La Date:

Recall from memory the seven days of the week, the twelve months of the year and numbers 1-31 in French.  Ask and answer what the date is in French.  Ask and answer the question ‘when is your birthday?’ in French

La phonetique 2:

Develop pronunciation, reading and phonetic skills- 


Spring 2

La famille: Remember the nouns for family members in French from memory.  Describe our own or a fictitious family in French by name, age, and relationship.  Count to 70 in French.  Understand possessive adjectives better in French (‘my’ form only). 

Summer 1 

Les vetements: Recognise and recall from memory 21 items of clothing.  Explore the regular ‘er’ whole verb present tense conjugation of the verb PORTER to describe what you and possibly somebody else is wearing.  Revisit the use of the possessive adjective ‘my’ in French and describe clothes in terms of colour.

Summer 2

Les vetements: Recognise and recall from memory 21 items of clothing.  Explore the regular ‘er’ whole verb present tense conjugation of the verb PORTER to describe what you and possibly somebody else is wearing.  Revisit the use of the possessive adjective ‘my’ in French and describe clothes in terms of colour.

La phonetique 3:

Develop pronunciation, reading and phonetic skills-