Year 3

Here is an overview of the topics covered throughout the year in French.  

Autumn 1

J’apprend le français: 

Locate France, Paris, and a few key cities on a map.  Understand the Francophone world better.  Ask somebody how they are feeling and what their name is.  Say how we are feeling and our names.  Count to 10.  Read, write, say, and recall ten different colours.

La phonetique:

Develop pronunciation, reading and phonetic skills- CH OU ON OI

Autumn  2

Les animaux:

Name and recognise up to 10 animals in French.  Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct indefinite article.  Pretend that we are a particular animal using the 1st person singular of the verb être (je suis = I am).

Spring  1

Les instruments:

Name and recognise up to 10 instruments in French.  Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct definite article/determiner in French.  Learn how to say I play an instrument in French.

Spring  2

Les fruits:

Name, recognise and remember up to 10 fruits in French.  Attempt to spell some of these nouns with their correct article/determiner.  Ask somebody in French if they like a particular fruit.  Say what fruits we like and dislike in French.

Summer 1

L’ancienne histoire de la Grande Bretagne:

Name in French, the six key periods of ancient Britain, introduced in chronological order.  Say in French three of the types of people who lived in ancient Britain, where they lived and what their hunting tool was.  Remember accurately from memory and use the French for ‘I am’ (je suis), ‘I have’ (j’ai) and ‘I live’ (j’habite). 

Summer 2

Je peux:

Recognise, use and remember 10 common French verbs/activities.  Use these verbs in the infinitive to make a short sentence starting with je peux.