Year 6

Autumn 1 - North America (Art)

Autumn 2 - South & Central America (Art)

  • Make a dreamcatcher.

  • Draw in colour.

  • Make a collage.

  • Ink a collagraph evenly.

  • Print my collagraph onto the collage.

Spring 1 - Super Seasonal cooking (DT)

  • Understand what seasonality means.

  • Name some foods which are grown, reared, caught and processed.

  • Design simple seasonal recipes.

  • Prepare a range of ingredients hygienically.

  • Prepare, assemble/cook ingredients.

Spring 2 - Automata Animals (CARS) (DT)

  • Generate, as a group, one viable idea after discussion with the teacher.

  • Cut materials accurately and safely by selecting appropriate tools.

  • Assemble a simple cam mechanism as part of the design.

  • Use tools with some accuracy and finish their automata animal in a design that they have prepared with some assistance.

  • Use design criteria to evaluate what they did well on their product.

Summer 1 - Bodies (Art)

Summer 2 - Mechanical Posters (DT)

  • Explore how mechanical systems work.

  • Draw a design which uses annotations to add some details.

  • Start to generate ideas for design criteria.

  • Make a prototype and finished poster which has at least one lever/ linkage mechanism.

  • Evaluate what they did well on their product and things they could improve