Year 3

Autumn 1 - Autumn (Art)

  • Show colours in their drawing or printing.

  • Mix and select appropriate colours.

  • Draw observational details based on the

  • leaf in front of them.

  • Paint an image that resembles details on a vegetable skin.

  • Combine different types of materials to

  • Create a collage.

  • Draw patterns based on their own

  • observations.

Autumn 2 - Let’s go fly a kite (DT)

  • Build simple frame structures.

  • Use research to create ideas and refine them to develop design criteria.

  • Build and join strong frame structures and stiffen materials.

  • Apply their understanding of where and how kites need stiffening.

Spring 1 - British Art (Art)

  • Draw illustrations.

  • Paint part of a famous artwork.

  • Make a portrait.

  • Paint with colour.

Spring 2 - Battery operated lights (DT)

  • Explore and make a series and parallel circuit and follow instructions to make a switch.

  • Draw a simple annotated design.

  • Write their own simple design criteria.

  • Make a product which contains a working circuit to light a bulb.

  • Use a series of given questions to evaluate their product.

Summer 1 - Plants & flowers (Art)

  • Show colours.

  • Print.

  • Draw details carefully.

  • Arrange patterns using different leaves.

  • Shape and join paper to resemble plants.

  • Use own drawings as ideas for sculptural work.

  • Make a 3D model.

Summer 2 - Edible garden (DT)

  • Understand the eatwell plate and know which foods they should be eating more and less of.

  • Understand and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown.

  • Prepare ingredients safely and hygienically using appropriate kitchen utensils.

  • Measure ingredients accurately and assemble or cook ingredients.