If you are interested in our event, please click below and join now!
Registration & Participants List
We cordially invite you to our 2022 "HEY : Hydrogen Electric Energy Exhibition".
We are excited to invite you to visit South Korea to check out the state-of-the-art products and technology our Korean participants have to offer.
1) Airfare : Round Trip airfare provided/reimbursed
2) Accommmodation (expenses paid): We will arrange bookings at a location near the exhibition hall for 3 days and 2 nights
3) Airport <-> Accomodation (domestic transportation fee provided)
4) Business Meeting : Establish partnerships with Korean companies and build networks to source excellent Korean products/technology.
5) An opportunity to have face to face meetings with companies in your related field
Once we have officially confirmed your registration, we will then enter the process of booking the flights/accomodations!
Contact Point
<Bridging Partners>
Hydrogen Electric Energy Business meeting MANAGEMENT OFFICE
E : hey2022@koreabridging.com
E : eddie.yun@koreabridging.com
T : 82-70-4948-3491 / 82-10-9805-3665