Slip of the Pen

Editorial Board Bios


Is a junior who loves all forms of writing, such as poetry, prose, essays, articles, screenplays, scripts, and speeches.


Emma Zimmerman is an avid writer who loves science fiction and fantasy. In her free time, she likes to write, play video games, and participate in musical theatre. She hopes you enjoy the magazine!


Sarah Alarcon is a passionate writer, who is always daydreaming and coming up with new ideas. They like fantasy novels, cartoons, coffee, video games, and classic rock.


Is a reader who enjoys classics and realistic fiction. In her spare time, she likes to dabble in poetry and also enjoys Science Bowl.


Is an extreme reader who takes joy in conjuring stories in her downtime, while also creating illustrations in her worn sketchbook. She also enjoys spending time with her family, but mostly with her pet miniature schnauzer.


Enjoys listening to music and takes interest in zoology and animation. Writes in free time when the chance arrives.