Our Terrestrial invertebrates 

Biodiversity of terrestrial macroinvertebrates at South Doyle Middle School: 

On 9/14/2022 6th grade students observed the following macroinvertebrates in the graph to the left. 

Soil pH: 8.0 healthy range

Air Temperature: 78 degrees F

Most students felt the biodiversity was "good" because there were a good amount of species present. One 6th grade student said it was good because, "there were enough species for an ecosystem." Students suggested adding bird feeders out as the temperatures cool to provide more food for animals.

The observations shined a great light on the ecosystem of SDMS “backyard” allowing students to witness, and learn about the glorious world of nature, and the creatures within it.” - 8th grade student

Data collected from the 2022 school year.

Data collected on 8/29/2019

Here are some of the critters we found!

8th grade terrestrial macroinvertebrate count on 4/14/2021 at 10:00am. 

7th grade terrestrial macroinvertebrate count on 4/15/2021 at 12:00pm. 

6th grade terrestrial macroinvertebrate count on 4/15/2021 at 2:30pm.