The SDMS  Backyard

A website of citizen science projects at SDMS in science enrichment class.

Mac from Sierra Club with 7th graders

11/20/23 Bird Count with Sierra Club

Click here to access our count.

Visiting UT Microbiologist

Dr. Jill Mikucki, gathers soil samples with students for a study on the benefits of healthy bacteria in our environment. 

Learn more about the amazing biodiversity on our beautiful South Doyle Middle School campus here.  We currently work with the following organizations to help us better help and understand our environment: The Water Quality Forum, Tremont of the Smokies, and Discover Life in America. Students also help to maintain 4 vegetable gardens with the help of our community farmer partner from Underfoot farms and the TN Farm Bureau. You can follow what's happening in our backyard on instagram @greenstemsauer