AIND Term 2: Week 14 (CV)

Weeks 13 and 14 are primarily for students to complete any required changes to their final project submission, and to begin working on their profile in the Career Portal. There is no new material required after the final project -- so this is a good time to catch up on any project cleanup or optional reading that you might have missed in the term!


You've finished the program!


  • Complete any required changes to the final project
  • Work on Career tasks in the Extra Curricular section of the classroom


  • N/A


  • Once you've completed all projects, follow the instructions in the classroom to complete the steps for graduation.
  • If you haven't completed all the projects yet, don't worry! You get an automatic four week extension to complete all remaining work. Remember that you will lose access to the classroom if you have not completed all projects by the end of the extension!