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Postural Strength by So Fit Sonya

To download your FREE week of strength work first visit www.SoFitSonya.com/shop

Second: Put the item "Winter Wellness Workshop" in your cart

Third: At checkout put in the promo code to discount to $0

Promo Code: WWW20

Nutrition Tips during the Holidays (and Life!)

Obstacle #1: “I can’t stop stress/emotional eating.”

  • Draw a connection on when the behavior occurs - the 'trigger'. Examples: work stress, feeling down, anxious, etc. Emotional eating and intense cravings are typically part of a pattern of behavior that are set in motion by a specific experience—a thought, feeling, and/or situation. If you can identify the trigger, you can disrupt the pattern of behavior and start to make different choices.

Obstacle #2: "I don't plan meals."

  • Shoot to eat 1-2 servings of produce at each meal.

      • Variety doesn't matter, just practice having veggies you know you enjoy available in your fridge. This makes them easy to add!

      • Out to eat? Order a veggie side instead of fries!

Obstacle #3: "I have a serious sweet tooth."

Remember this 'food law': If a food is in your house or possession, either you or someone you live with will eventually eat it. Therefore - if a HEALTHY food is in your house....

  • Shape your environment to set you up for success. On your next grocery store trip, buy your favorite fruit instead of that jumbo pack of oreos.

Obstacle #4: “I eat out a lot/don’t have time to cook”

  • When you do eat out, try these things:

      1. Order a plant-rich dish. (Shoot for half your plate to be vegetables.)

      2. Choose a lean protein. (ex: chicken breast or fish)

      3. Avoid breaded and fried foods. (This eliminates a lot of poor choices)

      4. Ask for dressings on the side. (And use responsibly.)

      5. Eat slowly.

      6. Stop when you’re 80 percent full.

  • No time to cook? If you’re making zero homemade meals now, could you find time to make just one homemade meal each week? Adding just one extra (no matter how many you do make) is taking a positive action towards changing your behavior.

Want to take a deeper dive? Email hannah@friggellyfit.com to set up a FREE coaching consultation!

Take home Yoga & Pranayama with Leah

Enjoy this 20 minute anytime basic flow for any time you need a bit of movement, stress relief and/or time to yourself!

Take 5 minute to unwind and breath with this pranayama technique with Leah.

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Knockin' Noggins

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Sonnies Outside

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