Unleash your gaming talent in Valorant.


1. Registration closes by August 5, 2020.

2. The current pro league format will be followed

3. A team should have 5 players(can have 1 substitute(5+1))

4. Fixtures will be published a day prior to the tournament.No changes in the bracket once the fixtures are made and published

5. All matches will be decided in a best of 1 format except finals which will be decided in a best of 3 format

6. All players should have MOSS active while playing their matches. A player should submit his/her moss file if asked upon

7. Map banning and side selection will be done in our discord server(discord link will be given to you after registration)

8. Admins will contact the respective captains 15 mins prior to their match for map banning.if a team does not report for map banning then it will be considered as a forfeit

9. The respective teams should report for their respective matches on time or it will be a DQ for them (it will be stricly dealt upon)

10. 2 members from each team should submit their whatsapp number for contact


Diploid: 9489682554

Sathya: 9677921979