Unleash your gaming talent in pubg


1. Registration closes by August 5, 2020.

2. A team should have 4 players, a team name and one team captain or manager

3. Room matches will be created on the decided timings and the respective teams should report in the room 10 minutes prior to the match timing

4. A grace time of 5 mins will be given. Any team that has not reported even after that will be diaqualified by default.

5. Winners will be decided on point basis: 1 kill=1 point, Chicken dinner=10 points, 2nd place=9 points, 3rd place=8 points, 4th place=7 points, 5th place=6 points, 6th place=5 points, Rest all teams upto 10th place gets 4 points.

6. 2 members from each team should submit their whatsapp number for contact.

7. Every team should take a screen shot once their team is eliminated and post it in the respective place.

8. It will be a single map match (erangel).


Karthick: 86389 85542

Santosh: 97916 62092