

Bring the following information with you:


If you are moving out of the Doerre area, please notify the registrar, Ms. Margie Delfgaauw,  at least 24 hours in advance. She can be reached at (832)249-5687.

Promotion Requirements

To be promoted in grades 6 and 7, a student must attain an average of at least 70 in all core academic areas: language arts, (including power reading if required), mathematics (including power math if required), science and social studies. 

 Homeless Program

Klein ISD offers services to homeless students and their families according the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act to address students' education needs and ensure their academic success.

For homeless services, please contact, Mr. Kevin Moye at Doerre or KISD Office of State & Federal Programs:

16710 Kleinwood Dr., Klein, TX 77379