HIS Sixth Form Fee &

The Founders' Awards

Fee Structure for August 2022 Intake

HIS Sixth Form

The Founders' Awards

The Founders' Distinguished Scholar Award

The Founders' Award of Excellence

The HIS Sixth Form - The Founders' Awards

HELP International School (HIS) Sixth Form Programme is a 2-year comprehensive educational experience where students complete their GCE A-Level qualifications. The programme is recognised globally and is a preferred qualification in many of the top universities worldwide. Success in the A-level Programme offers students the opportunity to gain access to the best universities in the world including UK, US, Australia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Europe, Russia and India.

Many HIS alumni have continued their education to some of the best universities worldwide, many with scholarships of up to 100%. We, at HIS, wish to accord either the Founders' Distinguished Scholar Award (100% fee waiver) or the Founders' Award of Excellence to outstanding students as they embark on the Sixth Form Programme. These Awards recognise deserving students who have shown an attitude of dedication and resilience with achievements across different fields of the HIS Masteries, including intellectual, creative, social and leadership.

The general criteria for all the Founders' Awards eligibility include:

· excellent academic records;

· active participation in extracurricular activities;

· excellent communication and organisation skills;

· ability to demonstrate creative and innovative perspectives to problem-solving; and

· great leadership potential.


Applicants need to complete ALL sections of the Application Form and provide the necessary supporting documents as attachments in ONE single email to SHARON.CHOW@KL.HIS.EDU.MY labelling the email as Subject: Award application_Your Full Name (Example: Award application_John Tan Ah Meng)

Application Form

-Saved as: Award_Form_YourFullName.pdf (example: Award_Form_JohnTanAhMeng)

  • Personal details ( SECTION A- E)

  • Academic details (SECTION F)

  • ECA details (SECTION G)

  • Reference (SECTION H)

  • Personal Essay (SECTION I)

  • Signed declaration (SECTION J)

Supporting documents

-Saved as: Supporting_documents_YourFullName.pdf (example: Supporting_documents_JohnTanAhMeng)

  • Copy of certificates -Academic and ECA (SECTION F-G) in one PDF attachment

Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for the following:

  • Cognitive Abilities Test

  • Interview with The Founders' Awards Committee

If you have completed a Cognitive Abilities Test within the last 24 months, you can use the results from that test. If you have not done so, or if you would like to retake the test, please indicate it in the form (SECTION F). The cost of the Cognitive Test is RM110.