Design and Technology Product Design

7552| A-Level


Developments in design and engineering have had a massive impact on every aspect of our daily lives: the buildings we live and work in, the cars we drive and the computers, smartphones and tablets we use have all been developed as a result of product designers and engineers. Product designs are constantly evolving and new engineering innovations developed, making this a dynamic and exciting area to study and in which to work.

This creative and thought-provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers, especially those in the creative and engineering industries.

Course Content

Students gain a deep understanding of scientific principles that allow them to design products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. Through evaluation, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. They will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences whilst enjoying opportunities to put their learning into practice by producing prototypes of their choice.

Students develop and sustain their own innovation, creativity and technological capability to design high quality products. They develop an awareness and understanding of product design and technological activity from a historical perspective and in current practice, gaining essential knowledge of production and industrial practices by studying those who work in the world of design. Students are encouraged to work closely with a client and use an iterative design approach in order to meet their design needs. Students use digital tools and to enhance their design and technology capability, and they develop evaluation skills in order to become informed and discerning design engineers.


Paper 1: Technical principles - written exam (2 hours and 30 minutes)

120 marks 30% of A-level

Paper 2: Design and making principles - written exam (1 hours and 30 minutes)

80 marks 20% of A-level

NEA (Design and make project) 50%

Students choose their own client and brief, and produce a substantial design and make project. Through this portfolio they demonstrate their ability to understand and research a brief, generate and model design solutions and produce a high quality finished prototype. In order to reach high attainment levels, students must adopt a commercial design approach to their work, reflecting how a professional design engineer might deal with a real world problem and its resolution.


This A-level will particularly appeal to students who enjoy being creative, with an affinity for science, drawing, design, maths and problem-solving. Students will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a design engineer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by top universities and employers.

The combination of knowledge and skills in AQA Design and Technology Product Design gives learners a solid foundation for further study or employment in the following areas:

  • Design Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Manufacturing

  • Production

Former HIS students' are currently studying Design Engineering and Product Design courses at Imperial College London and University of Dundee.

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